Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My dedication to my friend Jim........Oh Pally Pal

I just wanted and needed to take a minute to give THANKS to my friend/ brother in law Jim. Jim is a great man who puts up with A LOT. To know Jim is to know his strength and tolerance for all kinds of shit. Or better yet things that smell of shit. He laughs most things off where most of us would pack up and wave goodbye. (see pic left).
But on a more serious note Jim has always been giving and kind to me. He always backs me up when I am getting bossed around and pushed against a wall. For that I am thankful. She is a handful I tell ya.
Jim has a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone. And if/ when there ever comes a time I can be there for him I will do it.
But I think all in all we understand each other. We share one thing in common besides the love of beer and wings. Danielle !!! And that is something no one person should have to handle alone.
Thanks Jim for being you and thanks for doing all you do. May there be many more laughs and beer and wings at Buff's. The good times will roll on forever.............Ok if you can stay with her that long. Just kidding.
Love ya Jim

Friday, January 16, 2009

Change it is a coming........

Things are going so good lately that being the negaholic I am, I am just sitting here waiting for the ball to drop. I will take every good day for what it is and move forward hoping it stays this way.

I have lost 10 lbs so far as of 01.02.09 and am going full steam ahead. I am heading to Watertown for the weekend to be educated on calorie counting and working out. I am psyched that my sister bought me the Bob Harper " Are you ready?" book. I only hear great things about it and can't wait to start reading it.

Love Life: None and ok with that for now. I have other things to focus on and don't need the distraction.

Son: Doing great in both school and home.

Friends: All doing great and I love em all

Job: Slow and hours have been cut so there is basically no income coming in right now. Far from making ends meet but hoping things will turn around soon

I am super excited about Barack Obama and can't wait to watch him on Tuesday. I believe he is going to bring some much needed changes.

Off for now feel free to comment if you will.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Staying focused on the positive and good

I have really been focused lately on a few things. I am overly focused on Bob Harper the physical trainer from Biggest Loser. He is so motivational and inspiring. I joined his online group as well as his new online blog. There is so much information available to keep you focused and rearing to go. You really should check his sites out and see if he can inspire you the way he has for many. Also he has a new book out called " Are you ready?" I hear it is very MOTIVATING. I can't wait to get my copy. I LOVE BOB...........
Here are a couple of his links:
And thanks to my lovely niece Shanise I am now addicted to the Twilight book series. You really should pick them up it is not what you expect from a vampire series. I did not want to read it and she knew it so she got me the book for Christmas. Out of love for her I opened the first page and was instantly drawn in. It rocks so check it out
The diet is going really well. I have remained focused and strong. I am tempted daily since I have an extreme love of food. I also live in a house full of unhealthy foods that are visible and tempting. I work with food and have the habit of grabbing a fry or chicken tender without thinking. But this week I have been strong and focused on living a healthier lifestyle. One day at a time

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nothing New over here

There is absolutely nothing going on over here. Work is slower than slow. I worked 7 hrs yesterday and we only had 10 tables. That is the worse I have ever seen it. I am glad I am a cook and not a waitress. At least I am making money right?

I did manage to lose 6 lbs this week on my first week of dieting. It is so hard to stay focused in a house full of tempting fatty foods. I went to the market and bought all greens , chicken and fish. I know how to cook flavorful foods that are low fat. However, my mother went to the market and bought so much junk food that it is hanging off the entertainment center. They say never to have these foods where you can see them , that way you won't be tempted. In this house it is all you can see. Wish me luck over here won' t ya? Love Life: None. I am not going looking this time. Let it find me if it was meant to be. I don't want to settle for the first man that comes along out of the wrong reasons. I want it to mean something more this time. I would rather be alone than be with a man simply because he is there. This blog is acting up today and refusing to let me space between the subjects. I will try again later

Monday, January 5, 2009

Oh my friends. How do you do what you do

So here it is. I have spent some time recently with most of my FRIENDS. And I mean friends. The ones who stick by me despite my multiple mood swings. My absolute bitchiness and all the other crazy things that come with being my friend.

I am aware of my friendships and how different they are. I have come to appreciate each one for the uniqueness that they bring into my life. All of my friends are different yet somehow the same. You connect with people for different reasons. I have friends I cry to, ones I bitch to, ones I love to drink with and even some I like to sit and say nothing to. They are all the best friends you could ever ask for. And I APPRECIATE them all.

Kris, you have been around so long I don't even remember how long it has been. You are a freak to say the least. You were this innocent little thing when I first met you and WOW what a blooming maniac you have become. Those nights in Worcester chasing Derek were unforgettable. The love you have shown me and the brat is incredible. You are forever more than a friend. You are the one our mother had to give away because she knew it would be way too much putting up with both of us full time. You are the little sister I never had to kick around. You are almost as cool as me. And almost as nuts now. LMFAO It may be the fact that I set you up with my cousin and that you are now kneaded into my crazy family like a pretzel. SO SORRY............. I just couldn't do it alone. When I am with you my stomach hurts a lot. It could be the stomach wormy, the beers, the food or the laughs. I am not sure but either way I would not trade them in. You get me and that is NOT easy. Thanks

Barb, I can't really recall how many years you have been in my life but I do remember that days events. We laughed so hard one of us actually pissed. LMFAO and for how ever many years we have been friends we have had many a damp days. Your family is like an extended part of mine. I am glad you have shared them with me. We have gone through so much with our lives and we have been there for each other through it all. Someday the days will be easy again where we can just relax and have no worries. Someday just not today. You get me too but you don't give into me as easily as you know who. You don't give into my demands and whining ways. I sure wish you did. Thank you for always being there and thanks for not letting me lay in bed on those days I really really wanted to. You have picked me up so many times and for that I THANK YOU

Chrissy, oh Chrissy. What a wonderful friend you have been. This man has his own wife (see Barb) and somehow he has been stuck with me. He listens to me cry, laugh, babble, slur and all the other great things I do. He never shuts me off however he does have to put me in my place from time to time. You always need a friend to refocus your way of thinking. I love those days on the porch listening to the same songs over and over. Listening to them each time like it was the first. May God Bless you for putting up with me all these years. Thank God you have all those muscles as they have kept you strong when other men would have crumbled and become weak after listening to my mouth. Thank you for everything. You are the best

Amy, you were the unexpected friend I didn't see coming. You are so raw and honest. You have been since the first day I met you and you threw your whole life story at me. To know you is to love you and that is a fact my friend. You are the WORST peace builder I have ever seen though. You are one of the strongest people I know. When most people would fallen on their knees and asked "WHY ME?" you just push ahead and try to see the positive side. You deserve happiness and if I could buy it for you I would. Stay strong and things will come your way. You are my ANA NICOLE and I am always here for you no matter what. Our times together are full of laughing and dancing and sometimes the well needed tears. I didn't ask for you or expect you but I am KEEPING you no matter what. Thanks for being my friend

Danielle, my sister, my bud, my pal. I have loved you for almost 37 years. It wasn't until recently that I truly understood what you meant to me. I always knew you were my sister and you had no choice. But now you are my FRIEND. We have shared so many good and bad memories together. Shit we have the same F$cked up childhood that we are recovering from. But as grown ups we have become closer and I cherish our time together. You make me laugh so hard its almost like you are forcing your workouts on me. I actually gain a stomach muscle or two when I am around you. There have been so many nights that I am out having a blast that I think "man, I wish Danielle was here". You are an inspiration to many and especially me. I love you beyond words. Thanks for being my sister and especially my friend. Your the best pally pal and bud a sister could ask for.

And believe me I have many more friends that are there for me and mean the world to me. However these people are TOPS for me. I love all of my friends and it takes a true HERO to be my friend. Not one of you is forgotten. You know who you are.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year.....2009 has arrived

It has been some time now that I have been able to sit down and relax in a calm and quiet environment. The holidays are always hectic around here and as I have written before STRESSFUL. I am grateful that they are over and I am excited about starting a new year.

Here are some of the things I resolve to do in 2009:

1. Live a healthier lifestyle. I will start by not eating fried foods or sweets. I don't want to say the word diet because we all know how that word somehow always bites us in the ass. I also don't want to exclude too many things from my diet so that I feel overwhelmed and defeated. I will attempt to start a workout routine again. One that does not put any extra added pressure on the bed leg. One day at a time is how I am looking at this goal.

2. I am going to start prioritizing the people in my life. I look back and I see some of the relationships I have been in and realized that I have made some people a priority without them earning that right. I have put others aside that deserved to be noticed and loved by me. I will no longer make the calls, the drive or anything else that takes time away from others. I resolve to acknowledge those in my life that have treated me right, helped me in my times of need. I resolve to spend the time to pen a letter or email to show my appreciation. I resolve to make the time to spend it with the people in my life that should matter the most to me. I value my friendships and relationships but have not always put them in the right order. This is something I must change.

3. I will also try to use positive thinking in those times of self pity. I will try to remove my habitual negative thinking. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Instead of sitting back and waiting for the world to give me what I think I deserve I will put in the effort to get what I want, need and deserve. There are worse things in the world that are going on then the things in my life. There is always a way to change a negative to a positive. I will make this another priority.

4. I will continue to raise money and awareness. I will make The Walk for a Cure a top priority this year. Team WALK FOR DEE will be in full force and things will be changing this year. It is time to be assertive and get the word out there. I have been doing this for four years but have allowed myself to feel defeated. This year I will find new ways to encourage others to join me in this very important fight. Every day , every dollar makes a difference.

5. And last but not least. I resolve to find a HEALTHY relationship. A relationship that has future. A relationship that is not surrounded by drama and heartache. I want the kind of relationship where I am happy when he is around and even when he is not. I want a trusting relationship. I want one with someone who loves to hear my laughter and one who draws that out of me. I will not SETTLE. I will not let a man be my only option. I can't wait to find him.

So there you have it. They are little changes but I resolve to do what I can to keep them going. Small steps can lead to great things. What have you resolved to do in 2009?