Monday, August 31, 2009

Wow has it really been that long????

I really can't believe it has been this long since I have last logged on. Life has been amazingly crazy. Way too much to write at one time but I promise to get back on here and update anyone who actually still logs on here to see whats up.

I have lost some weight, just joined a weight loss challenge today. GO ME....... been to rehab and back only to find I truly don't want to quit drinking and / or it just isn't the right time. My son moved out.................long story and still too stressed to talk about it. The thought alone numbs my arm. Same job, no love life....................fundraising still. I will be back on after the cancer walk. I really need to stay focused on my fundraising efforts until then.

I am not embarrassed or ashamed to openly BEG for donations to my walk to raise both money and awareness for cancer research. The shame would be in doing nothing and expecting something. I made a committment 5 years ago to fight the good fight in honor and memory of those I have loved and lost to the horrible disease of CANCER.
Fighting Cancer is an ongoing fight and it takes millions of people to get out there and spread the word and raise the $$$ so that someday we may find a cure.
So please help spread the word for TEAM WALK FOR DEE. We will be walking at the UMASS WALK FOR A CURE on Sunday September 13, 2009 in Worcester, Ma.
Every dollar counts. Please do what you can.
Thank you in advance,
Gwen BultronTeam Leader - Walk for Dee

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